Desktop Goose
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS
Read the Readme txt file for all the fancy new features!
For Windows: Run the .exe and it'll extract the whole goose folder for you! Put it somewhere nice. Open the folder, run DesktopGoose.exe!
For Mac: Extract this folder somewhere nice, and keep all the files in it together!
Creating promotional and marketing material using the goose as a base without contractual written permission from the developer is against the terms of use.
You are, by downloading this, agreeing to not decompile or reverse-engineer the executables contained therein.
HONK HONK, HEAR YE. I have created a goose for your desktop.
He'll nab your mouse, track mud on your screen... leave you a message, deliver you memes?
Play video games with a desktop buddy who will attack you if you poke him.
Fill out spreadsheets while your screen fills up with instances of Goose Notepad.
Supports MacOS versions 10.10+!
NOTE: I am not affiliated with House House or Panic. This is a different goose. Direct support questions to the Discord!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [And if you wanna support my work, I made some new things you can check out!]
Desktop Cat Cursor: Transform your ordinary mouse cursor into its eternal nemesis: a cat paw

Click download now to get access to the following files:
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